First Post

Posted on October 15, 2020
Tags: misc

I wanted to start writing a blog since a long time. I like sharing my knowledge so it seemed like a good idea. Time will tell! I needed a way to write blog posts and publish them so I searched for a tool that could suite me.

There are a few subjects I want to share about but being a programmer, talking about code and sharing code snippets seemed natural. This is often the missing feature for blogging tools or services. Also, I’m an engineer at heart so I like to build things myself, or at least know I’m able to modify the tools I use to my heart’s content. I searched for some DIY alternatives to online services and found Hakyll. It seemed like the perfect fix because I wanted to write about a language I fell in love with, Haskell.

So here we are, this is my first blog post, what can I write about? Let’s talk about how to setup a blog similar to this one. This is my freshest project anyway.

First caveat, I cannot yet publish this blog post because I’ve got nowhere to publish it! It’s all local. Next blog post will explain how to setup a Hakyll blog using nix… locally. The blog post after that will finally talk about how to publish. And then you’ll be able to read this, hooray.

The stack used to for this blog is Hakyll on top of Haskell and nix. I really like how Nix makes development environments fully reproducible. It’s not easy to setup nor understand so it’s for sure a big investment.