Sops on NixOps 2

Posted on April 21, 2023
Tags: nix, server

Setting Sops is done by following the steps in the README file. But I struggled on step “Get a public key for your target machine”. This is what it tells us to do:

nix-shell -p ssh-to-age \
  --run 'cat /etc/ssh/ | ssh-to-age'

But you need to ssh into the machine to get the public key. How to do that? Well, this “little” one liner does the trick:

nixops export --network dev | \
  jq '..|."virtualbox.publicHostKey"? | select(. != null)' -r
  • The .. is a recursive descent on all JSON object fields.
  • We’re searching for the field names virtualbox.publicHostKey. We need the double quotes because the dot is actually part of the field name.
  • We then select the non null items, effectively keeping the only match.

This outputs something like ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJhZqrj2+idV2uZXHUp2Q4sJ8SzRWGYz0nHSKuiW5oo3 NixOps auto-generated key.

You can then pipe that to ssh-to-age and go to the next step.